Help ensure local kids keep their access to interesting and exciting toys - review our accounts!

Help ensure local kids keep their access to interesting and exciting toys - review our accounts!

Help ensure local kids keep their access to interesting and exciting toys - review our accounts!
Whitby Toy Library

Estimated Time: 4 - 6 Hours Over 1 - 3 Weeks

The Whitby Toy Library Incorporated in Porirua is looking for a Chartered Accountant to review our annual Performance Report. We are a small registered charity with total operating payments of $12,861 for the year ended 31 March 2017. The toy library is run by a paid Librarian, an Executive Committee and members who vounteer their time. While there is no statutory requirement for our Performance Report to be audited or reviewed, our constitution states that it will be reviewed by a Chartered Accountant. The Committee has elected to have our Performance Report reviewed in order to help secure future grant funding and fulfil accountability obligations from some grant providers. The first financial statements to be reviewed would be for the year ended 31 March 2017 and the review would need to be completed in time for submission to the Charities Services on 29th September. Having your assistance will mean that our Committee, members and grant funders can have confidence in our reporting.

Working location

Your own home or office

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Meet with our Treasurer and receive performance report, financial reports and short briefing on management and allocation of toy library finances (1 hour)
2. Review prepared performance report, supporting spreadsheets and documentation as required (2-4 hours)
3. Prepare a brief report for the committee (1 hour). Attend committee meeting if available/desired to discuss findings with the committee.

Report required in time for Committee to approve submission of performance report by 30 September 2017.

What We Have In Place

Our volunteer Treasurer and paid Librarian can provide advice and information as needed. You also have the full support of our Committee.
Whitby Toy Library uses a Database for recording toy rentals and members on-account balances. The monthly financial reports and annual performance report are prepared in Excel. A full audit was undertaken by a registered auditor for the financial year ended 31 March 2016.

See our website for more information about the Toy Library:

Whitby Toy Library
To provide easy access to educational, outdoor and fun toys for children, to aid learning and play. We aim to delight and excite kids with a wide range of fun and educational toys. The toy library is an affordable to add variety and interest to children's play.
What we Do
Provide access to a wide range of toys (indoor and outdoor) for families, through minimal hire charge and low annual membership fees. We are supported by grants we apply for and the volunteer time of our members.