Do you know where the "Any" key is? Web Developer needed!

Do you know where the "Any" key is? Web Developer needed!

Do you know where the "Any" key is? Web Developer needed!

Estimated Time: 6 - 12 Hours Over 1 - 1 Months

We're looking for a web developer to build a better user experience for supporters of JustSpeak. We have a current website and we are looking for someone who can do both frontend and backend development to rejig our templates, fix bugs and update some of our website content. You will work with us to identify the best solutions for some issues that we have with our existing systems. We use Nationbuilder for our CRM and CMS.

Working location

Our HQ is based in Wellington, but you could be anywhere in NZ! We're accustomed to using Zoom and Slack to connect with our volunteers.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Phase 1 would involve:

Initial brief about of our organisation, current website, target audience and objectives (1 to 2 hours)

Review our current website functionality, collating issues and fixes and coming up with recommendations (5-8 hours).

What We Have In Place

We have a website which uses Nationbuilder which was developed about 2 years ago.
In addition to Slack, Zoom and Asana to manage projects and communicate.

Justice and Legal Services
We believe in a safe, just and inclusive society. This means ending targeted criminalisation of Māori, working toward decarceration and building flourishing communities.
What we Do
We work on systemic, transformative change in the area of criminal justice. We undertake research to provide evidence-based solutions to working toward this change and are driven by volunteers to support this kaupapa. We amplify the voices of those most affected by criminal justice by providing these platforms through events, volunteer opportunities and other projects to highlight the issues.