Thanks Ref! is seeking a Web Site developer

Thanks Ref! is seeking a Web Site developer

Thanks Ref! is seeking a Web Site developer
Positive Peers

Estimated Time: 10 - 20 Hours Over

Kia Ora - we are a community group working to put the fun back into community and competitive sport by building affection and respect for officials; umpires, referee's stewards across different codes and sports. We are currently recording content and need a website to carry it. We would love help from digitally-able people who love sport, community and manners! Specific skills sought are a developer to guide us through creating a wordpress set for

Working location

Total flexibility this is an online community

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Meet to discuss our needs and ideas (1-2 hours)
Come up with a website strategy (2- 3 hours)
Sign off of strategy
Develop a basic website (7 to 9 hours)
Training on managing and updating the website page (2 hours)

We will be guided by the volunteer as to the steps involved and how much time a you can give.

What We Have In Place

Written and audio content
Content partners
Distribution partners
We have content recorded and are recording more, start when you're ready, join our inclusive team.

Positive Peers
Community Group
Good Cause
Creating a safe space for support and wellbeing around New Zealand.
What we Do
The Happiness Experiment is a platform that meaningfully impacts our own happiness by creating a normative culture, process, practice, and community, whereby those involved have agency over their own emotional wellbeing.
Positive Peers