Guide us with new branding ideas

Guide us with new branding ideas

Guide us with new branding ideas
SuperGrans Western Bay of Plenty

Estimated Time: 10 - 20 Hours Over 1 - 2 Months

Our name doesn't reflect what we do - and we feel that people may have misconceptions about who we are and what we do because of our current name. The problem is we haven't come up with a great alternative! We need you expert help to develop our brand

Working location

Katikati, Bay of Plenty and can work with a volunteer virtually

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Step one: We can provide all our current materials and information on our organistion
Step two: A brainstorming session to discuss our current reputation, landscape, vision, mission and activity.
Step three: Drafting the brand messaging and shares the information with the organisation.
Step four: Feedback prior to presentation to our Board

What We Have In Place

We have our current brand collateral, as well as vision, mission, objectives and current programmes. We are also affiliated with a national organisation, SuperGrans Aotearoa and have access to resources from them.

SuperGrans Western Bay of Plenty
Community Group
Family Support
Good Cause
Wellbeing - Children
Wellbeing - Older People
Creating opportunities for all ages to share wisdom, knowledge and life skills
What we Do
Our vision is to develop a community where generations are learning from each other, living and growing together. We achieve this through the delivery of practical workshops, one-to-one mentoring, connect and chat coffee groups. These programmes are open to all in our community, hands-on and free.