Business Analyst pertaining to CRM

Business Analyst pertaining to CRM

Business Analyst pertaining to CRM
Parent to Parent NZ

Estimated Time: 6 - 8 Hours Over 2 - 2 Weeks

We are looking for a Business Analyst to look through our current CRM and help us identify the functional requirements for our new CRM.

Working location

Office of Parent to Parent NZ. During normal business hours is preferable for the initial discussion. After that, the volunteer can work from home.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Business analyst will:
1. Undertake a Privacy ABC online training (or if completed within last 2 years, can send us the PDF of completion)
2. Meet with Business Operations Manager of Parent to Parent NZ (2 hours)
3. Draft a Request for Information (RFI) relating to the functional requirements for the new CRM (prior to March 4th)
4. communicate directly with the Business Operations Manager throughout the process.

What We Have In Place

Prepared a comprehensive document for an RFP for CRM including timeline until implementation of new CRM within the organisation. (this was done using the guidance and help from a Help Tank Volunteer).

We have gained written feedback from CRM users within the organisation regarding functional requirements of new CRM

Full Access to the CRM

Parent to Parent NZ
Family Support
Parental Support
Often raising a child with a disability is an experience that isn’t planned, and we know it can be a challenging journey. We can inform, educate, inspire and support you as you navigate your way through your family’s experience with disability. Our services are free and confidential.
What we Do
CONNECTING PARENTS We connect new families with specially-trained volunteer support parents who have a family member with the same or similar disability to your child. SUPPORTING SIBLINGS Living with a brother or sister who has a disability can be challenging. We run programmes to support siblings to thrive in their own, unique family environment. INFORMATION SERVICE Our dedicated research team provides free information to families, and those involved in a family's care, on nearly 4,000 conditions from the very rare to the more common