Auction Researchers Needed!

Auction Researchers Needed!

Auction Researchers Needed!
Healing Innovation Hub

Estimated Time: 4 - 6 Months Over 50 - 100 Hours

Healing Innovation Hub is a registered charity in NZ. Our mission is to heal, innovate, & inspire using therapy & innovation. For fundraising purposes our charity is conducting research for sponsors to gift to our charity a whole range of resources for us to auction off for fundraising. Your role would be to research & send out emails or make calls to different sponsors & organisations to donate their resources to our charity for us to market themselves & auction off their products for fundraising purpose. Be creative! Touch base with a variety of organisations who have the generosity to donate their resources for us to auction off. Work with our accounting team so that each sponsor receives their legal donation receipts for tax purposes! Heal, Innovate, Inspire!

Working location

Anywhere you are

Proposed project steps with time estimates

A team of you will be working together with our Marketing Manager to execute the following goals:
- Research high quality sponsors who will gift their products/services for us to auction online
- Do up a template that can be used in the team for online marketing for different sponsors
- Work with our marketing team to auction off different products on a weekly basis - advertised on all digital marketing platforms
- Work with our accounting team to give donation receipts to all sponsors
- Regular update meeting with Marketing Manager required - emails, calls, Zoom sessions
Optional: Design resources, flyers, posts to match the different resources being auctioned

What We Have In Place

- Accountant Treasurer
- Marketing Manager
- Online platform to record & share all these projects - CRM system in Hubspot platform. Can be accessed for marketing purposes
- Slack online page

Healing Innovation Hub
Community Group
Family Support
Family Violence
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Elders
Health - Family
Health and Nutrition
Mental Health
Violence Prevention
Violence Support
Wellbeing - Children
Wellbeing - Older People
Healing Innovation Hub’s mission is to promote holistic health & wellbeing using therapy & innovation. Heal. Innovation. Inspire.
What we Do
Healing Innovation Hub Charity Objectives: • To promote holistic health and well-being in the community; • To establish and operate an indigenous helpline (Rongoā Korero) across different communication platforms, to provide high-quality advocacy and counselling support for individuals nationwide; • To promote and improve community access to health and well-being resources, including by: o creating and providing access to a database of holistic health and well-being service providers and other community resources; o providing a referral process to holistic health and well-being service providers and other community resources; • To undertake research and development projects, and collaborate with, tertiary institutions and technology organisations to develop innovative resources to promote and improve holistic health and well-being; • To develop accessible digital applications and other resources, to promote and improve community health and well-being; • To provide therapeutic programmes