We need a website upgrade!

We need a website upgrade!

We need a website upgrade!

Estimated Time: 15 - 20 Hours Over 3 - 7 Days

What we need to have is a sharp, simplified website which can also pick up some geographic data from our AWS. We can do the tech stuff to get the data out, and we're happy to provide the content, but the pizzazz and style are not our strength. What we want to alleviate after the upgrade is: 1. Good causes need to know the advantages of fundraising with us (e.g. free, data analysis, acquisition) 2. Prospective donors need to know the advantages of giving via us (e.g. free, data protection, tax efficiency) 3. Organisations need to know how to use Givahoy

Working location

I'm in Wellington, but happy to have remote help

Proposed project steps with time estimates

We are happy to take advice on how to go about this project.

What We Have In Place

Givahoy has a Wordpress site which you can see this here: https://givahoy.com/ API for data
Text content
Apps on the market

Philanthropy made easy
What we Do
Givahoy is a Social Enterprise using modern technology to streamline charitable contributions and providing charities and supporters with a seamless experience. Society has evolved past cheques and cash. Using Givahoy allows the electronic transfer of funds from support to charity.