Help us to implement all components of Google Suite

Help us to implement all components of Google Suite

Help us to implement all components of Google Suite
Social Enterprise Auckland

Estimated Time: 1 - 2 Hours Over 1 - 2 Hours

Social Enterprise Auckland (SEA) needs someone with a working knowledge of Google and Google Suite to get this working for the organisation. As a non-profit, we have been given Google Suite free to use. However, we are struggling to get some of the elements within this cloud suite to work well for us. We would appreciate someone with some IT savvy and experience to help us getting the different components of the Suite working as it should for the organisation.

Working location

Can be anywhere in New Zealand with a working internet connnection

Proposed project steps with time estimates

The proposed project steps include,
- an initial conversation on SEA and its Google Suite (what we have got working and what we need help with) - 30 minutes
- work on Google Suite to get the other components working - up to 1 hour
- debrief and hand over - 15 minutes

What We Have In Place

SEA has most of the components of Google Suite working and can provide access to figure out how the other components can be addressed to have them working as well.

Social Enterprise Auckland
Economic Development
Financial Support
Good Cause
Social Enterprise Auckland is a collaborative project that​ aspires to build momentum and connect social enterprises together, illuminate their stories, and amplify investment opportunities. We are building a culture where all business considers creating social benefit.
What we Do
Information Up-to-date information on social enterprise development. Workshops and events to introduce newcomers to the world of social enterprise and to help experienced practitioners develop. Connection Access to support and training services. Access to networks between social enterprises, and between social enterprises and other potential partners. Inspiration Stories of social enterprises, their journeys and their successes. Public Voice A public voice on matters that are important to our members. Promoting the many benefits that social enterprises bring to local communities, businesses, local and central government, charities and the environment.