Help kickstart an outward bound journey for disadvantaged teens

Help kickstart an outward bound journey for disadvantaged teens

Help kickstart an outward bound journey for disadvantaged teens
Freemasons New Zealand

Estimated Time: 3 - 4 Hours Over 1 - 2 Weeks

As a Freemason, we are encouraged to help our community in any way we can and lead by example. As a member of the Unity Lodge in Christchurch we want to help a group of at risk young people in the community that need to get back on the right path. We are aiming to raise up to $50,000 to send at least 10 at risk youths on an 21 day outward bound course next year. These teens come from broken homes and have tough lives often getting on the wrong side of the law. Participating in Outward Bound course would give them focus and perspective to decide on their future direction. The experience would develop their confidence and show they can choose better options in life. We are seeking the help of someone who has experience in fundraising, marketing or communications to help develop a plan to kickstart the fundraiser. This could be to set out a fundraising and action plan as well as come up with some great ideas. Any suggestions and input welcome.

Working location

Some one who is flexible after work hours would be ideal (after 5 during the week days and free anytime in the weekend) I'm based in Christchurch but also happy to work with a volunteer virtually

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Step 1 - Initial chat (30 mins)

Step 2 - Planning session to discuss the aim of funding, ideas, coming up with nexts step and an action plan (2 to 3 hours)

Step 3 - Write up plan (1 hour)

What We Have In Place

Enthusiastic person to work with!
Contacts with various social work agencies that deal with all risk youth and troubled families.
Also been in touch with the Outward Bound New Zealand and they very keen to get involved with the project.

Freemasons New Zealand
Community Group
Freemasonry is a brotherhood of good men meeting and working in harmony, teaching strong moral and ethical values in personal, family and community behaviour and a code of caring for others
What we Do
Unity Lodge No 271 in Christchurch is one of the many lodges all over the country, which make up and are part of Freemasons New Zealand. Freemasonry is a fraternity of men and one of the oldest organisations in the world. We are built around an ethos of Brotherhood, helping your neighbor and being a strong positive presence in the community, leading by example.