We need your wordsmith skills!

We need your wordsmith skills!

We need your wordsmith skills!
Common Knowledge Trust

Estimated Time: 6 - 8 Hours Over 1 - 3 Weeks

Common Knowledge Trust, in April, will submit a proposal to the MOH, DHBs, College of Midwives, Parent's Centre, Public Health and other stakeholders messaging a new concept around childbirth. The proposal has already been written and professionally edited but we are seeking a new eye to make certain the proposal is understood, clear and concise. We are looking for a skilled editor, word-smith or journalist to take this proposal to a new level so it delivers a strong message about our approach.

Working location

I'm the Director and live in SE Auckland but happy to work virtually and flexible around your availability

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Introduction, briefing and background - 1 hour
Read the proposal or any relevant information - 30 mins to 1 hour
Discuss any points that need clarification 1-2 hours
Edit proposal if necessary 3 hours
Final draft and feedback 1 hour

What We Have In Place

The proposal is based on a new and presently unrecognized concept. We need to make certain that we crack open the mental door of a number of people and organisations.

We have 17 years of statistics that clearly show the benefits of this new concept. The concept reorients how maternity care and the societal message expectant families receive.

The director and founder is available to work closely with you


Common Knowledge Trust
Family Support
Health - Family
Maternal Health
Parental Support
One branch of Common Knowledge Trust produces Birthing Better Childbirth Preparation Online Courses. Skills developed by families for families to self-learn for ALL births. Our goal is to grow a skilled birthing population so every family can use skills to work through their baby's birth journey.
What we Do
We produce 5 online courses on our website and fathers-to-be and mothers-to-be pregnancy academy courses on Udemy. We have been online since 2000 seeking to bring forward a new childbirth trend that encourages all expectant families to self-learn and use skills for their baby's birth.
Common Knowledge Trust