Develop our business case for funders!

Develop our business case for funders!

Develop our business case for funders!
Riverton Community Arts Centre

Estimated Time: 7 - 8 Hours Over 1 - 3 Weeks

We need help to develop our business case or pitch for arts funding. Being an active arts centre at the heart of the Riverton, Southland we would like to attract more investment and need your skills to get more savvy. This would enable us to develop templates for our funding applications. We have alot of information to offer and about to launch a new website. We j need someone with great writing skills to come up with an impactful case so we can replicate in various applications into the future. If you are keen to help some more in any help in developing funding applications it would be appreciated.

Working location

Riverton, Southland - Happy to work remotely via email, phone etc

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Discuss project and agree on time-line and goals, information to go to volunteer
2. Develop a business case to include about us, the work we do and why its important, what we want to achieve, our strategic directions
3 Feedback and any revisions
4 Final draft

What We Have In Place

1. Records of previous funding applications (Not all are complete)
2. Mission statement, (Strategic Plan which needs approving)
3, Knowledge of local arts funders
4. Calendar of events till June 2019
5. A basic knowledge of how to complete funding applications

Riverton Community Arts Centre
Arts and Culture
We aim to encourage participation in the Arts by Promoting Arts opportunities for the residents of Riverton and surrounding Districts and visitors to the area. To promote community Arts, education, lectures, classes and seminars to encourage knowledge and participation.
What we Do
Art exhibitions Arts Education Workshop
Riverton Community Arts Centre