Review content on our new digital platform

Review content on our new digital platform

Review content on our new digital platform
The Re-Creators

Estimated Time: 5 - 7 Hours Over 1 - 7 Days

The Re-Creators will be a national platform for upcycling artisans to centrally promote and sell their work. The platform will also promote environmental awareness and a living wage for its "re-creators". There will be a focus on providing support to those from a refugee background. The website has been mostly developed using Shopify but need a volunteer with editing/design skills to check the written content and the final design.

Working location

Auckland (West - Waitakere Township) - if volunteer Auckland based

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Brief (30 mins)
Review content of website - 2-3 hours
Review design of website - 2-3 hours
Present suggested edits or changes - 1 hour

What We Have In Place

Shopify web link
Background documents (Business Model/ Plan, website content) and photos for the website

The Re-Creators
Economic Development
Financial Support
The ReCreators is a Social Enterprise based in Auckland, New Zealand, which promotes Upcycling either through purchasing products pre-made, custom-made or by learning to do it yourself (DIY) through workshops.
What we Do
We are a diverse and talented group of upcycling artisans promoting creativity, mindful making and sustainability. We offer various upcycling workshops for children, adults and corporates, as well as an online store.