Design a logo for The Beacon Trust

Design a logo for The Beacon Trust

Design a logo for The Beacon Trust
The Beacon Trust

Estimated Time: 7 - 9 Hours Over 2 - 4 Weeks

We need a volunteer to develop a first logo for the Beacon Trust. The Trust is an organisation that has been involved with helping women from Arohata Women prison (both inside and upon release) via a number of support services. The Beacon Trust is looking to increase its public profile and expand what it is currently doing. Hence the need for a logo (and we are currently developing a website etc too).. Your help would be invaluable.

Working location

This can be done anywhere, but it will be necessary to talk to members of the Beacon Trust in Wellington, in order to develop an appropriate and relevant logo. This could however be done via Skype or phone.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Discuss the Trust with members: 2 x half hour discussions (or more smaller conversations)
Design some logo ideas: 4-5 hours
Discuss options with Trust members: 30 mins
Finalise or amend logo after feedback from Trust (1 hour)

What We Have In Place

We do not have any formal branding in place at present.

The Beacon Trust
Social Services
Wellbeing - Children
The Beacon Trust is a Charitable Trust formed in 1996 to assist the Arohata Chaplaincy in its work. Its primary focus is enabling women and their children to embrace life fully, by providing for their welfare and support in different ways and being there for mothers on release from prison.
What we Do
Over the past years the Trust has supported various events like a Kids camp, bringing children to Wellington to visit their mothers, running a food bank, work skills for current and ex-prisoners, providing accommodation and necessities for women upon release.