Photographer required - Sat 6 April for Gala Fundraiser

Photographer required - Sat 6 April for Gala Fundraiser

Photographer required - Sat 6 April for Gala Fundraiser

Estimated Time: 3 - 4 Hours Over 1 - 1 Days

We'd love for someone to please photograph our Gala fundraiser on the night. We will have a guest speaker, our charity Chair will speak & we are serving a 3 course meal at the prestigious Five Knots, Tamaki Drive. We will also have a professional auctioneer conducting a live auction. We'd love to capture the fun on the night for use in marketing communications. Enjoy our gala evening and have a FREE 3 course meal for you to please photograph our event!

Working location

Tamaki Drive, Auckland. Venue is Five Knots.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Brief (30 mins)
Sat 6 April from 6:30pm - 10pm (3 hours)

What We Have In Place

Please photograph the set up before the event kicks off at 7pm, then guests mingling, speeches, dinner, auction.

Gala event details are here

Financial Support
Empower those living in poverty to improve their lives and enable transformation of households & communities, by providing access to client-focused micro-finance and related services.
What we Do
ADC offers micro loans to skilled, enterprising communities in Myanmar and Malawi. These loans act as capital for them to start small businesses. ​Most of us take access to credit for granted. Yet it is not accessible to everyone. Credit where credit is due.