Create a really Good animation!

Create a really Good animation!

Create a really Good animation!
The Good Registry

Estimated Time: 15 - 20 Hours Over 1 - 3 Weeks

We need a short, simple animation to show people how to buy and redeem a Good Gift Card and/or set up a Good Gift Registry. At the moment people don't really understand what a Good Gift Card and/or a Good Registry is, which one to use and how to use them. The outcome we are after is that more people will give Good Gift Cards and/or create Good Gift Registries because they can see how simple it is. And this means more money goes to charities instead of going on unwanted or unnecessary gifts like scented candles and tea towels :)

Working location

We are based at the BizDojo in Market Lane Wellington, so you can come and work with us here, or work remotely.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

- Check out The Good Registry to see how it works and get a feel for our brand.
- Talk with us to understand more about how it works and our language / messages.
- Come up with a simple animation concept to show people how it works (and get our input to that)
- Create the animation - NB at this stage we think it is one animation but we are open to advice if you think it is more than one to describe the different scenarios for our users.
- Optional: You may also wish to work with us further to help with creative ways to share the animation. Initially we'll share it on social media and our website and our Youtube channel. We'd like to be able to include it in emails if that is feasible. And we can also work with our charity partners to have them share it. (We'll be very happy to acknowledge your creative genius and generosity when we share it on social media too!) )

What We Have In Place

We have brand guidelines. We have a very basic animation that was made when we first launched ( and this is very out of date now - partly because when we launched we only had the gift registries (and we've now added the gift cards, so a big part of our challenge is explaining how they respectively work), and partly because our focus has changed (from talking about generosity / helping good causes, to talking more broadly about the social benefits including less waste). We have a lot of content about us on our website (, on Facebook @thegoodregistry, and on Youtube, - but nothing that gives people a simple explainer of how to use us , and inspires them to jump straight in and do it. We may also be making a TVC-style explainer of who/what The Good Registry is (this is to be confirmed but we've been talking with a film maker who is interested in doing that pro-bono) - and we'd see the animation/s sitting alongside that as an asset that very simply shows people 'How'.

The Good Registry
Arts and Culture
Civil Rights
Community Group
Disaster Relief
Disease & Medical Research
Economic Development
Family Support
Family Violence
Financial Support
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Elders
Health - Family
Health and Nutrition
International Aid
Justice and Legal Services
Maternal Health
Mental Health
Parental Support
Resource Recovery
Social Services
Violence Prevention
Violence Support
Wellbeing - Children
Wellbeing - Older People
Simplify giving, help good causes, reduce waste. The Good Registry keeps alive the spirit of giving while helping good causes and reducing waste, with simple ways to give donations instead of unwanted or unnecessary gifts.
What we Do
The Good Registry is a social giving platform where anyone from small kids to big corporates can give the gift of giving with charitable donations instead of unwanted gifts. We’re helping to make giving more simple, sustainable and kind. We have created two simple ways to give through our website: * Create your own Good Gift Registry for a special event (e.g. a wedding, a child’s birthday, a milestone birthday) and ask friends to donate to a charity you choose, instead of buying gifts. * Give Good Gift Cards instead of traditional gifts, to enable others to make donations to charities they care about.
The Good Registry