Logo and brand document creation

Logo and brand document creation

Logo and brand document creation
Ten18 International (Charity tea)

Estimated Time: 10 - 12 Hours Over 1 - 2 Weeks

Hi, I run a charity (Ten18 international) and social enterprise business (www.charitytea.co.nz). I'm designing a values-based, work-skills programme called GROWTH. This stands for Gratitude, respect, ownership, wisdom, trust and health. We will have a printed workbook and online videos as well as face to face mentoring. The idea is that disadvantaged young people or those with disabilities come and work for us in charity tea and learn retail skills while we invest in their personal development. We need a logo and brand that will appeal to young people but also those who will refer them - police, youth workers, Oranga tamariki etc. I'm keen for some fresh eyes to help us develop a logo and brand colours that we can use in our printed and online material. We currently run a charitable model in our business where profits are donate back to charity and we feed hungry kids. Our GROWTH programme will help us make more of a social impact and connect our business + charity.

Working location

I'm in Orewa. Flexible or virtual arrangement is fine. No project deadline.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Consult and brand questions (1 hour)
2. Initial designs - (6-8 hours)
3. feedback and final design choice (1 hour)
4. final draft creation - 2-3
5. final consult and hand over of files (1 hour)

What We Have In Place

facebook pages www.facebook.com/ten18international/ www.facebook.com/charityteaNZ/ www.charitytea.co.nz
Happy to credit you for your work and recommend your graphic abilities across all our networks etc.

Ten18 International (Charity tea)
Disaster Relief
Good Cause
Health - Children
International Aid
Wellbeing - Children
Mission: Feed the hungry, clothe those in need and share the love of God. Vision: Abundant life for all.
What we Do
Partner with other charities to run feeding programmes in haiti and school lunch programmes in NZ. We provide resources to access education, emergency medicine etc. Our social enterprise (Charity tea) is our vehicle in which our funding can flow. We sell loose leaf organic tea to nourish the drinker and feed kids in need.
Ten18 International (Charity tea)