Legal help with our company shareholding agreement

Legal help with our company shareholding agreement

Legal help with our company shareholding agreement
The Re-Creators

Estimated Time: 8 - 16 Hours Over 2 - 4 Weeks

The ReCreators is a LLC Social Enterprise who price our services and products as not for profit. Our purposes is to act as a collective of upcycle creatives and eventually bring those who are heavily involved into the business. We would love someone to help guide us through creating a shareholder agreement.

Working location

Auckland - Waitakere based but willing to travel in the city

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Video call to discuss current shareholders agreement and requirements (1-2 hours)
Lawyer to help re-draft shareholders agreement (2-5 hours)
Discuss around next steps (1 -2 hour)
Update constitution (1 hour)

What We Have In Place

Just a standard LLC.

The Re-Creators
Economic Development
Financial Support
The ReCreators is a Social Enterprise based in Auckland, New Zealand, which promotes Upcycling either through purchasing products pre-made, custom-made or by learning to do it yourself (DIY) through workshops.
What we Do
We are a diverse and talented group of upcycling artisans promoting creativity, mindful making and sustainability. We offer various upcycling workshops for children, adults and corporates, as well as an online store.