Help us become more sustainable

Help us become more sustainable

Help us become more sustainable
Porirua Pasifika Community Patrols

Estimated Time: 8 - 12 Hours Over 1 - 2 Weeks

The Porirua Pasifika Community Patrols is a voluntary group of people to help the Police make our community a safer environment in which to live. We are looking to seek funding for set up costs. We would like a volunteer to assist us with writing up a business case that we could use to apply for funding and be able to make a strong and powerful case for what we do in the community. if you have great writing skills and be able to work up a short but impactful proposal about our work and why its important we would appreciate your help.

Working location

Wellington Region

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Meet with Chair to discuss
Komiti to provide any current organisations information, funding background and budgets
Create a draft business case
Review and edits

If you would like to help us further by working through some options for funding or applying for funding that would be amazing. We would be grateful for any help that can help us sustain our work.

What We Have In Place

We have applied for a few grants
We have registered for a few organisations
We are using the Community Patrols NZ Charitable Trust status

Porirua Pasifika Community Patrols
Community Group
Disaster Relief
Family Support
Family Violence
Good Cause
Justice and Legal Services
Social Services
Violence Prevention
Violence Support
The Porirua Pasifika Community Patrols is a voluntary group of people to help the Police make our community a safer environment in which to live.
What we Do
Community patrollers act as 'eyes and ears' for the community in partnership with the Police. Patrolling their community in pairs, patrollers note anything that could be suspicious and inform police immediately of incidents requiring urgent attention. Community patrols have links to local Councils and organisations sharing a similar interest in community safety but it is important community patrols remain autonomous and are managed by a committee of their members. Members meet regularly for training and to discuss issues and opportunities.