Talk Peach Charity- Accountant Advice

Talk Peach Charity- Accountant Advice

Talk Peach Charity- Accountant Advice
Talk Peach

Estimated Time: 1 - 3 Hours Over 1 - 2 Days

We are after a volunteer to help us with our financials/accounting. We need to be set up with some good systems and someone to guide us/mentor us. Meet for a few hours to give us guidance and help set things up and then perhaps an ongoing paid partnership.

Working location

Auckland- Would like a face to face meeting

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Overview and meet up 1-3 hours

What We Have In Place

Spreadsheet of all incomings and outgoings. Receipts.

Talk Peach
Disease & Medical Research
Good Cause
Vision: Inform New Zealanders on gynaecological disease and connect and support those who are diagnosed.
What we Do
To provide support and education on gynaecological health To educate the community on the signs and symptoms of the 5 gynaecological cancers in order to reduce late diagnosis To provide information and support to all women diagnosed with gynaecological cancers To support advocacy and research into gynaecological cancer treatment and cures