Are you looking to make a difference in 2020??

Are you looking to make a difference in 2020??

Are you looking to make a difference in 2020??
Mothers Helpers

Estimated Time: Over 9 - 12 Months

Mothers Helpers is looking to select 14 extraordinary fundraisers for an unparalleled opportunity to raise $10,000 each for Mothers Helpers Charitable Trust, helping us assist women experiencing Perinatal Depression or Anxiety with their recovery.

Working location

Unknown - Various

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Apply via HelpTank if you have any interest and you will be emailed an expression of interest form to complete as well as further information on the next steps

What We Have In Place

In return, you will get: An “Adventure” voucher for every $1000 you earn (e.g. free Zipline, Caving, Horseback Riding, Kayaking, Rock Climbing), a mobile phone that you get to keep after raising $5000, AND an all-expenses-paid unforgettable trip to Fiji in October 2020 with the rest of our Fundraising team PLUS lifelong friendships and precious memories!!! We STILL HAVE SPACES on our team! Make your year unforgettable and apply!!

Mothers Helpers
Community Group
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Family
Maternal Health
Mental Health
Parental Support
Social Services
Wellbeing - Children
To prevent postnatal depression/anxiety (PNDA) in mothers who are at-risk, and to assist mothers with existing PNDA to become well.
What we Do
Mothers Helpers provides a 10 -week recovery programme facilitated by trained professionals – counsellors, social workers, qualified life coaches, psychologists or mental health nurses. The aim is that this programme will be available nationwide as facilitators become available – particularly focusing on areas that do not already have support available to mothers with mild-moderate postnatal depression (who do not fit the criteria of Maternal Mental Health or Community Mental Health services). Some areas provide this course free of charge, and some only deliver it free of charge to those with a Community Services Card able to access WINZ funding. We are working hard to make this programme available free of charge to all women in New Zealand.