Graphic design

Graphic design

Graphic design
Safe Man Safe Family Charitable Trust

Estimated Time: Over

Safe Man Safe Family Charitable Trust
Family Support
Family Violence
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Family
Mental Health
Parental Support
Violence Prevention
Violence Support
Wellbeing - Children
Safe Man Safe Family exists to heal families at risk of family violence through working directly with perpetrators in peer-led stopping violence programmes, to break the cycle of intergenerational harm.
What we Do
Safe Man Safe Family works to help men break the cycle of violence through a process of recovery which is life-changing, life-long and transferable. Participants become men skilled up to create positive legacies that their families and communities can be proud of. We do both outreach work – in places such as gang headquarters, factories, sports clubs, community events, maraes – and run trauma-informed stopping violence programmes that seek to genuinely engage men who are at risk of harming their families. The Safe Man Safe Family programme is built on a peer-to-peer network of ‘Safe Men’ – former perpetrators who have been on a journey of recovery from lives of violence, and are now “safe”. They play a mentoring role, providing outreach and engagement, and ongoing coaching and support, similar to the 12-step AA model.