We need a connected solution for our Conservation Project Management System

We need a connected solution for our Conservation Project Management System

We need a connected solution for our Conservation Project Management System
Old EcoNet account.

Estimated Time: 20 - 100 Hours Over 1 - 3 Months

We are developing specifications for Conservation Project Management Software. Currently conservation projects are managed with a mismash of different software from mailchimp, XL, ecotrack, Trap.nz and others. We are developing specifications for a connected solution. We need help from someone who is used to designing connected systems to develop these specifications.

Working location

We are working from home in a voluntary capacity. We are flexible with hours and used to using zoom, google drive and are looking at Lucid Charts

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Scenarios - done
2. Conservation group processes - happening now - 3-6 months
3. Data model/design - happening but need assistance with expertise - 3-6 months

What We Have In Place

We have a charitable trust with charitable donor status, bank account, almost no money, 3 trustees and 3 advisory board members.
We have a website which is in development being improved in the next month.
We have a google drive with the work we have done over the past 2 years
We have an advisory board member who is working on data standards for predator control
We have an advisory board member who specialises in data integration
We are now working on the third plank of Econet which is to create specifications for a Conservation Project Management System

Old EcoNet account.
This HelpTank account has been superceded by a new account in the email address Keith.Salmon@econet.nz
What we Do
We are working on conservation data standards, data commons and conservation project management software. Please go to our new account.