Human Resources Volunteers Needed

Human Resources Volunteers Needed

Human Resources Volunteers Needed
Healing Innovation Hub

Estimated Time: 2 - 4 Months Over 40 - 80 Hours

Healing Innovation Hub is a registered charity & our mission is to heal, innovate, inspire. We merge innovation with therapy. We are looking for someone with Human Resources experience & expertise to assist with volunteer staff matters. Come share your skills with our team wherever you are!

Working location

Wherever you are

Proposed project steps with time estimates

- Undergo research for what policies & systems are needed for our charity to function well
- Dealing with a recruitment programme for staff members. Design a program
- Work with IT person to have staff training programmes online
- Design programme to measure staff performance

What We Have In Place

- Website
- CRM system
- Already existing team members (volunteers)

Healing Innovation Hub
Community Group
Family Support
Family Violence
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Elders
Health - Family
Health and Nutrition
Mental Health
Violence Prevention
Violence Support
Wellbeing - Children
Wellbeing - Older People
Healing Innovation Hub’s mission is to promote holistic health & wellbeing using therapy & innovation. Heal. Innovation. Inspire.
What we Do
Healing Innovation Hub Charity Objectives: • To promote holistic health and well-being in the community; • To establish and operate an indigenous helpline (Rongoā Korero) across different communication platforms, to provide high-quality advocacy and counselling support for individuals nationwide; • To promote and improve community access to health and well-being resources, including by: o creating and providing access to a database of holistic health and well-being service providers and other community resources; o providing a referral process to holistic health and well-being service providers and other community resources; • To undertake research and development projects, and collaborate with, tertiary institutions and technology organisations to develop innovative resources to promote and improve holistic health and well-being; • To develop accessible digital applications and other resources, to promote and improve community health and well-being; • To provide therapeutic programmes