Optimise SME's online presence while upskilling youth for the future of work

Optimise SME's online presence while upskilling youth for the future of work

Optimise SME's online presence while upskilling youth for the future of work
Up2.NZ Limited trading as UPTO?

Estimated Time: 5 - 10 Hours Over 3 - 5 Weeks

We require a volunteer to help us to design the process that our volunteers will follow to optimise SME's online presence. The project will involve coordinating volunteers tasked to research different aspects of the training and then pulling everything together into digital training that will equip our volunteers with digital marketing skills, experience and content for their portfolios. The service we are offering that sets us apart from our competitors is creating/improving SME's social and google presence and creating a listing in our location based directory and creating their ecommerce website. We want to develop the process so standards and continuity of work are upheld and require an experienced volunteer for this project.

Working location

We are flexible but if you would prefer a face to face engagement for the inital consultation I am happy to come to your premises. We are happy if you want to just have an advisory role and offer direction or what ever process you feel will get the best results.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Initial consultation, background and expectations for deliverables - 3 hours
Development of the project - 3 hours
Implementation of the project - initial testing - 3 hours
Presentation of the project - 1 hour

What We Have In Place

We have started developing a project plan and identifying key deliverables.
We have a team of volunteers helping to assess:
+ what we need to engage volunteers
+ what we will provide in a tool kit to support them in the role
+ what needs to be considered in terms of health and safety
+ what technology can we adopt to simplify this process but also deliver results
+ conduct market research

Up2.NZ Limited trading as UPTO?
Arts and Culture
Community Group
Economic Development
Family Support
Family Violence
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Elders
Health - Family
Mental Health
Parental Support
Social Services
Violence Prevention
Violence Support
Wellbeing - Children
Wellbeing - Older People
New Zealand wide
Building a community of role models and peers, offering support and empathy. Learning together to develop new and transferable skills and build mental strength. Engaging with the natural world through outdoor activities; learning to work as a team. Embracing culture to support shared values and deve
What we Do
UPTO? is a social enterprise aimed at improving mental well-being in young kiwis by building connections in the community. Through mobile software, we will reach rangatahi in their own spaces, offer support and introduce them to positive cultural experiences.
Up2.NZ Limited trading as UPTO?