Ovarian Cancer Aotearoa Coalition : We need someone to format our magazine-type booklet

Ovarian Cancer Aotearoa Coalition : We need someone to format our magazine-type booklet

Ovarian Cancer Aotearoa Coalition : We need someone to format our magazine-type booklet
Ovarian Cancer Aotearoa Coalition

Estimated Time: 3 - 4 Hours Over 1 - 5 Days

We will present our petition to the New Zealand government in March of this year and need someone to take the copy and photos and format it into a magazine-type booklet. The copy involves multiple personal stories from New Zealanders diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their photo. The copy is complete and photos will be supplied so essentially it is just the layout, one to two stories per page depending on their individual length. We will print this off independently. We are happy to credit you on the booklet and it will be given out to all key stakeholders. https://www.ovariancancer.co.nz/ for more info on our group. (group is made up of New Zealands 4 active ovarian cancer goups)

Proposed project steps with time estimates

The layout of copy and images. All copy and photos provided. Simple and clear messaging and layout.

What We Have In Place

All copy, all images, happy to consult via phone/zoom, printing will be paid our end unless contacts can be provided for that.

Ovarian Cancer Aotearoa Coalition
What we Do