Legal Advice Sought for Youth Development Charity

Legal Advice Sought for Youth Development Charity

Legal Advice Sought for Youth Development Charity

Estimated Time: 1 - 5 Hours Over 1 - 4 Weeks

HELLO! We are a start-up registered charity in the youth development space. Over the last 5 years, we have developed an innovative programme to help get our most disengaged and disadvantaged young people to get to the important things in their lives, such as school, extra-curricular activities and appointments etc. We are working up to a Pilot of the programme but need a little bit of help before we get there. The programme is supported by a technological platform (i.e. web and mobile application) that requires young people (age range: 12 – 25 years) to accept the Terms and Conditions before access to the platform and programme is granted. We are after someone that can review our draft Terms and Conditions and make sure they are legally sound.

Working location

The charity is based in the Wellington region.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Review draft Terms and Conditions
2. Make any edits/additions/deletions as required to ensure the draft Terms and Conditions are legally sound to protect the charity and our assets.

What We Have In Place

The draft Terms and Conditions currently have 32 provisions that specifically relate to the programme. The Terms and Conditions will have to be accepted electronically before young people can being using the programme. The provisions generally relate to:
- age of users
- parental consent
- provision of hardware by charity
- withdrawal or suspension from programme
- rules for access to and usage of platform
- privacy and confidentiality
- communication expectations
- delivery of programme expectations
- liability
- indemnity

What we Do