Car free day project needs help with comms and marketing!

Car free day project needs help with comms and marketing!

Car free day project needs help with comms and marketing!
Island Bay Car-Free Initiative

Estimated Time: 10 - 15 Hours Over 2 - 4 Weeks

Help with comms and marketing of our ‘car free days’ initiative. We may not want to call it ‘car-free’ as that can incense people! I notially we would love help with designing flyers and digital material we can send around our networks and put on social media to promote the ‘car free’ days.

Working location

Remote- although we are all in island bay, Wellington. Anywhere in Wellington cbd also fine

Proposed project steps with time estimates

First week of august, get comms/messaging in place and initial design for flyers/posters and social media promotion.

Promote through our networks and social media

18 august and 22 sept- 3 days where we would love to see people using alternative modes of transport. Join our cycle train as it goes from island bay into Newtown and the city (and people will ride back with you to island bay if you would like!)

What We Have In Place

We are a wee group in Island Bay Wellington who would love to see people using alternate forms of transport to cars. We think our current transport systems and structures are centred around automobiles. This is not inclusive nor does it support low-carbon modes of transport.

We are asking for a different system and infrastructure to be put in place to allow people to move around in a way that celebrates community and encourages interactions with people

This initiative ‘Movement of the People’ (one working name.. or Island Bay People’s Moving Festival) is an example of what it could look like if our transport systems and structure worked in a more inclusive, sustainable way that connects us rather than divides us and supports movement and activity

Through this initiative we hope to start changing habits and enable greater freedom of movement. This is not a protest but demonstrative, creative and constructive action.

Actions /steps

1. Idea of a cycle train - we will publish and promote a map with ‘train stops’ eg Shorland Park, Isand Bay shops, SWIS, Down rintoul st and to Newtown school.

2. Groups of cyclists will leave these stops at certain times during the morning and travel together to the next stop-people can join the cycle train en route or at one of the specific train stops

3. Chance to gather together somewhere (Maybe the hospital carpark) for a cuppa. Some groups may return via the route back to island bay and others can form groups going into town

4. Music, colours, banners- drawing attention to our messages eg community building, celebrating inclusive modes of transport, roads are for everyone not just cars. We would love to see many people enjoying the outdoors, cycling etc

5. We won’t be emphasising messages of safety or ‘car-free’..we think that could turn people off. Idea is about community building

6. Someone in our group is drawing up a map of the cycle stations

7. We then need help with comms to create a one-pager with the idea. Then we need design help so we can publish it on social media and among our networks

8. Looking to do this first on 18 august and again on 22 sept which is world car free day

Island Bay Car-Free Initiative
What we Do