Grant application writing assistance for exciting environmental project

Grant application writing assistance for exciting environmental project

Grant application writing assistance for exciting environmental project
EcoNet NZ

Estimated Time: 10 - 50 Hours Over 3 - 6 Months

We need help from one or more people with a passion for the natural environment and a flair for fundraising and profile building. EcoNet ( is developing an innovative Conservation Activity Management System software product, “CAMS”, which will be a game changer for community conservation groups, iwi, hapu and individual volunteers. It will integrate the market leading Microsoft Dynamics CRM system with the world class ArcGIS system. We need help writing funding applications so that we can roll the system out across the country in 2023.

Working location

This is a national level project. We are mostly based in Auckland, working from our homes. But some of the team are in other parts of the country. We can work during normal hours and / or evenings - mostly by e-meetings.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Proposed project steps with time estimates (we'd welcome a start as soon as possible):

1. Understand EcoNet and the solution we are developing and the conservation communities it will benefit – 1 day
2. Review our existing funding stream and contacts - from government to charitable trusts to impact investors – 0.5 day
3. Survey the market for funding sources and thought leaders to identify potential champions, funders and investors – 2 hours/month
4. Liaise with the EcoNet Advisory board – 2 hours/month
5. Prepare and submit funding applications – 2 to 4 hours/application

There is scope for a senior experienced team lead and someone with training keen to gain experience

What We Have In Place

We have
* a clear spreadsheet of potential funders
* clear aims and objectives
* existing marketing and fundraising work undertaken over the past year
* business model and impact model
* software solution project nearing MVP stage (minimal viable product)
* innovative potential funding models

We offer you
* the opportunity to contribute significantly to an exciting new conservation initiative
* the potential to expand your work portfolio
* potential paid work once we have an income stream

We need your experience, insights and enthusiasm to benefit our natural heritage

EcoNet NZ
New Zealand wide
EcoNet aims to: Design, develop and deliver the IT tools and systems that conservation lacks and desperately needs.
What we Do
EcoNet collaborates with community groups, Iwi, councils and national bodies to accelerate conservation outcomes. EcoNet leads innovation in data standards and access to fit-for-purpose software for conservation.