Advice and legal assistance sought around legal structure

Advice and legal assistance sought around legal structure

Advice and legal assistance sought around legal structure
Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance

Estimated Time: 4 - 6 Hours Over

The Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance would like to become a legal entity, and is seeking advice and assistance around which structure would suit our organisation best, as well as guidance and advice in regards to the relevant documentation.

Working location

Waitākere Ranges

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Attendance of the "legal structure" segment of the PFWRA Committee meeting (fourth Wed of the month at 7pm via Zoom) to advise on the implications of the various structures and differences between an Incorporated Society vs Charitable Trust, etc. Around 30 minutes.

Advice on documentation and assistance with these. Est 1-3 hours.

Additionally, we are seeking a person that would be willing to look over an agreement between the PFWRA and member groups in relation to a donations process. Est 1 hour.

What We Have In Place

We have already been discussing a chart of organisational legal structures in our Committee Meetings.

Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance
Through collective action and with a landscape-scale approach, we aim to make the WRHA (27,000 ha) pest-free by uniting existing and new groups wanting to contribute to biodiversity restoration and the Pest Free 2050 goals.
What we Do
The Pest Free Waitākere Ranges Alliance (PFWRA) is an informal alliance of groups and networks working in biodiversity conservation within the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area (WRHA).