Inspiring the Future

Inspiring the Future

Inspiring the Future
Inspiring the Future Aotearoa

Estimated Time: 1 - 4 Hours Over 1 - 1 Days

Anyone, in any job, can be a role model and you can too. Inspiring the Future is a programme for primary and intermediate students across Aotearoa to learn about jobs. At an Inspiring the Future school event, you’ll join a panel of volunteer role models. The students will learn about your job, why you love doing it, as well as your journey to get there. Inspiring the Future has both in-person and online event options so that you can take part from anywhere – you can connect from the comfort of your own home, or your workplace. After you sign up, teachers can view your profile and invite you to events – you can accept or decline as you wished based on your availability. In-person events take around 3 hours, online events last around 1-2 hour.

Working location

New Zealand wide / virtual

Proposed project steps with time estimates

To become an Inspiring the Future role model, sign up online at

Once you have completed your profile and a criminal record check, teachers can view your profile and invite you to events.

What We Have In Place

We have resources and guides to help prepare you for Inspiring the Future events, including a step-by-step guide, a video with tips and tricks from other role models, a community Facebook group and cultural competency guide.

Inspiring the Future Aotearoa
What we Do