Friends of Oakley Creek Te Auaunga - our story
Friends of Oakley Creek Te Auaunga - our story
Friends of Oakley Creek
Estimated Time: 20 - 30 Hours Over 2 - 3 Months
We are looking for someone to help us develop and tell the overarching story of Te Auaunga - Oakley Creek, and the work our organisation has been doing over the last 17 years to restore it. This narrative will form a framework for all our communications, so that the same story can be easily referred to in any communications piece. We imagine the work to achieve this would look like a workshop or two with key people, and would be written up in a document that we use and refer to when developing future comms, fundraising grants, and template guidelines.
Working location
Proposed project steps with time estimates
Step one: Volunteer reviews relevant materials
Friends of Oakley creek (FoOC) gives the volunteer relevant information about the organisation, for example: nature of work, history, strategic plan, vision, previous impact stories and initial story ideas.
Likely time commitment for volunteer: 2 hours reading and reflecting
Step two: Brainstorming session
Volunteer and FooC brainstorm ideas with is for the overarching story, including the natural and cultural history of the creek, the founding story of the organisation, restoration goals and how far we've come, successes, challenges, possible themes, recent standout wins or angles etc. Approach for story is decided upon.
Likely time commitment for volunteer: 4 hours (2 hours in meeting, 2 hours write up/ send around for review and comment)
Step three: Workshop with key people to gather content
FooC sets this up and volunteer facilitates workshop to gather information.
Likely time commitment for volunteer: 4 hours (2 hours prep, 2 hours in workshop)
(Possibly will need a second workshop, or some follow up conversations with individuals depending on how this workshop goes. Allow another 4 hours)
Step four: Meet with Te Ao Māori advisor
FoOC was recently gifted a Māori name, and this action is to seek advice from a Te Ao Māori advisor on how to best use and reflect it in our branding and communications (potentially the person who gifted us the name).
Likely time commitment for volunteer: 4 hours
Step five: First draft
Volunteer uses notes from brainstorming session, workshops and meetings to write up a first draft.
Likely time commitment for volunteer: 6 hours
Step four: Feedback and finalising
Volunteer gives FooC first read of draft. FooC gives feedback, which is incorporated by volunteer into the draft. Draft is given to all relevant parties for signoff (e.g. the interviewed parties) and final draft is checked off by FooC.
Likely time commitment for volunteer: 4 hours
What We Have In Place
We have recently completed our Communications Strategy, which will provide useful guidelines and context for you. You'll see that this is the first, and a really important step in our communications plan, so that we can be more impactful now and in the future. There will be a dedicated person from the FooC committee available to make sure you have everything you need to complete this work, and to make introductions etc. Here's a link to our website, which also has our catalogue of newsletters in case of interest.