Naseby Map Signage

Naseby Map Signage

Naseby Map Signage
Naseby Vision Incorporated

Estimated Time: 30 - 50 Hours Over 1 - 2 Months

We are looking for a designer to design a town map for our little town, Naseby in Central Otago. We need it to display what the town has to offer and the locations on where to find them. There is an opportunity to replace some other signage around the town, so having a consistent branding would be ideal.

Working location

I am based in Dunedin but can meet online.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Design of Map - Would love to get this started and locked in by the end of October.

Printing - Ideally printed by mid - Nov.

Installation of signs - Ideally installed in December.

What We Have In Place

We have an idea of what the "look" of the map will be like and we have existing branding designs too.

We have compiled a list on what to show on the map.

Naseby Vision Incorporated
What we Do