Could you help us update the constitution for our community sports organisation?

Could you help us update the constitution for our community sports organisation?

Could you help us update the constitution for our community sports organisation?
Give a Kid a Blanket

Estimated Time: 3 - 5 Hours Over

Auckland Diving Community Trust works with springboard and platform divers in Auckland ( We need someone to help us update our constitutions Experience or some knowledge of the changes to the Charities Act and/or the Incorporated Societies Act would be an advantage!

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Discuss our suggestions/requirements for changes to the constitutions (1 hour)
2. Make suggestions for any improvements that you recommend (1-2 hours)
3. Update constitutions (1-2 hours)

What We Have In Place

We have existing constitutions for the 3 organisations (as PDFs) so they will need converting into word before they are updated

Give a Kid a Blanket
Community Group
Family Support
Good Cause
Wellbeing - Children
Our focus is on the simple act of kindness that so many can make and how collectively as a community we can make a difference.
What we Do
‘Give a Kid a Blanket’ is a community activated art action lead by artists Bernie Harfleet and Donna Turtle Sarten, and run across the greater Auckland area. Each Winter since 2015, ’Give a Kid a Blanket’ has gathered blankets and other winter warmers, which are given to children and families in need through social workers, public health nurses and other community workers.