Recruitment Specialist

Recruitment Specialist

Recruitment Specialist
FreedomLife Te Nikau

Estimated Time: 10 - 15 Hours Over 0 - 40 Hours

We need an amazing recruitment specialist to find us a counsellor/addiction practitioner for our faith-based residential addiction programme. Our organisation works to transform the lives of people who find themselves addicted. We desperately need to recruit another counsellor as the load staff are currently carrying is to large. Specific deliverables: Advice on how the ad is structured, editing of the ad, Posting of ad on seek and trademe Screening of candidates Booking of interviews for preferred candidates.

Working location

We are situated in Kapiti. We are happy if you can do this mahi from another area.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Discuss requirements, review and amend ad by end next week
Post ad end of next week
Screen applicants 2 weeks later
Book interviews for shortlist

What We Have In Place

We have an ad - may need to be amended

FreedomLife Te Nikau
Mental Health
Kapiti Coast
We look beyond addiction and see people, we look beyond addiction to address the reasons, we We provide a place, the people and programmelook beyond addiction and see free and fruitful lives.
What we Do
We provide a place, the people, and the programme to support those who want freedom from addiction to substances or compulsive behavioural addictions including gambling, pornography, sex, and technology. Our mission is to see people set free and living fulfilled and productive lives.