Volunteer Program - help us cast our net to attract quality volunteers
Volunteer Program - help us cast our net to attract quality volunteers
ShelterBox New Zealand Charitable Trust
Estimated Time: 2 - 4 Hours Over 3 - 6 Weeks
We're a small group of volunteer Trustees representing ShelterBox to New Zealanders. We raise awareness and funds to contribute to disaster relief in parts of the world where help is too often not forthcoming. Our goal is to ensure no-one is without shelter following disaster. We have built an excellent set of resources for people to help us by (1) Telling the ShelterBox story in community engagements (schools, clubs, events ...) (2) Helping members of the public to fundraise on our behalf, (3) Lending their skills to help us with internal projects, administration and tasks. We now seek support to take this project to the people. We're hoping to find someone super-organised, communications and engagement-savvy with rock solid project management skills. The task is to help us develop and launch an engagement plan as we seek to identify, engage, onboard and manage a cohort of volunteers to help with direct public engagement and some inhouse activity from time-to-time.
Working location
Proposed project steps with time estimates
> initial informational interview with key persons to understand the project scope, context and intention (2hrs over perhaps 2-3 sessions)
> two-way exchange and info sharing to ensure full understanding (perhaps an hour)
> propose an approach and mode of working that you think will result in a cogent program launch (own estimate plus time to engage and propose - 1 hour)
> work with us to design the launch and subsequent engagement steps and potentially stay on the guide the launch to conclusion (6 - 10 hours)
> offer perspective, advice, and feedback as required to ensure we're as sharp as a pin and pointing in the right direction to continue doing great work (30 min)
What We Have In Place
A portal for volunteers to access various resources and information.
A range of useful informational tools, guides, support resources for volunteers to pick up and run with tasks and assignments
Support from ShleterBox directors to upskill and guide you into the assignment
A global network of fundraisers and volunteers doing similar great work, that you will be able to lean on and contribute to.
Good Cause