Strategic Planning (renew mission, vision, values and create a new strategy)

Strategic Planning (renew mission, vision, values and create a new strategy)

Strategic Planning (renew mission, vision, values and create a new strategy)
Speech New Zealand

Estimated Time: 8 - 10 Hours Over 3 - 6 Months

Speech New Zealand is a time of transition and change, we are looking for help with developing a strong Strategic Plan for the next 3-5 years that will allow us to grow and respond to the current climate whilst respecting our history. We need help redeveloping our Mission, Vision and Values, conducting an environmental scan and facilitating discussions around PESTLE / SWOT Analysis. From there we will need assistance in developing a strong Strategic Plan for the next 3-5 years with clear Goals and KPI.

Working location

We hope this can be delivered online with our Board of Trustees and Management who are spread throughout the country.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Step one: Review relevant materials
We will provide current strategic documents, annual reports, website and details about Speech New Zealand.
Commitment: approximately 2 hours

Step two: Develop Vision, Mission and Values
Facilitate a meeting with Trustees to develop and grow the Vision, Mission and Values.
Commitment: approximately 3 hours

Step three: Research and Analysis online
Conduct an environmental scan and facilitate a PESTLE and SWOT analysis with Trustees. Collate the information and send to Trustees for reflection towards the Goal Setting.
Commitment: approximately 5 hours

Step four: Facilitate a Strategic Planning session
The volunteer and trustees meet online for a half or full-day workshop to develop a 3-5 year plan based on the previous research with clear KPI's. Present the decisions / findings.
Commitment: approximately 8 hours

Speech New Zealand
What we Do