Volunteer phone caller needed!

Volunteer phone caller needed!

Volunteer phone caller needed!
Alzheimers Northland

Estimated Time: Over

Do you have the gift of the gab! Can you pick up a phone and chat to anyone? We are running a Luncheon Fundraiser Event in early May and would like to secure some auction items, raffle prizes and donations to help raise money. So we need someone to ring businesses, approach the community and generate some prizes and items to auction. We have a list of organizations that support us and have helped us before. We have good community collateral and get good support, we just need someone with some time to contact people. The lunch is a per ticket price so to raise some much needed funds for Alzheimers Northland we will need an auction/fund raising component for the event. We are only part funded for what we do and have to fund raise to meet the shortfall to enable us to carry on servicing the demand.

Working location

Could be done remotely, however a good knowledge of Northland would be an advantage. We have an office in Whangarei if a base is needed.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Start calling and contacting prospective lists, advertising on social media etc.
Immediate start. And will have 1 month to generate as many prizes, auction items or donations as possible.

Collate a list of all items and approx. values for on the day auction, or raffle prizes.
If you are local, come to the event and have lunch with us!

What We Have In Place

Leads, lists of prospects
An office, phone, laptop etc. for use.

Alzheimers Northland
Community Group
Health - Elders
We walk beside all people affected by dementia. We want to enable people with dementia to have a dignified and fulfilling life. Together we can strive for a positive journey
What we Do
Alzheimer’s Northland is a not-for-profit community organisation contracted, in part, by Northland District Health Board (NDHB) to provide support, education, information and related services directly to members of the community who are affected by dementia. We know that the dementia journey can be challenging and people may experience feelings of stress, distress, or have trouble adjusting to their condition. Therefore, our services are designed to provide information and education to enhance greater understanding of a dementia diagnosis, as well as support people to live well and plan for the future. Importantly we also support family, friends and whanau, to cope with the demands of caring for a loved one and support the whole whanau.