Volunteer Editor of Forest & Bird Branch Mailchimp Monthly Newsletter

Volunteer Editor of Forest & Bird Branch Mailchimp Monthly Newsletter

Volunteer Editor of Forest & Bird Branch Mailchimp Monthly Newsletter
Forest & Bird North Shore

Estimated Time: 2 - 6 Hours Over 1 - 1 Months

Do you want to do something for conservation but don’t want to get your hands dirty? Forest & Bird North Shore are looking for someone who can write engagingly to put together their monthly email newsletter, which is used to both inform and encourage participation in conservation activities. Topics covered range from information on monthly meetings, planting bees, and other Forest & Bird activities to input on planning and submissions. The email goes out to all branch members and selected other interested parties, altogether over 1,500 subscribers. Content is suggested and supplied by the branch committee, and the editor can enhance and expand on this. We’d like the newsletter to be more than just a summary of information; ideally it should be something people look forward to reading. Mailchimp is used to put together the newsletter, but prior knowledge of this tool is not required. For more information please contact our Chair Lynley Hunter northshore.branch@forestandbird.org.nz

Working location

From home

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Collate content second half of month
Upload new members to contacts last week of month
Design newsletter in mailchimp in last week of month
Send out newsletter start of each month except January
Estimated time involved 2-6 hours per month

What We Have In Place

We have a mailchimp account, sign up forms, welcome letter, 1500+ contacts, shared google drive, a guide to collation and a detailed role description. We are a supportive team who will ensure you are well set up to do this role. You do need to have good IT skills for this role - filing, editing and moving photos and content

Forest & Bird North Shore
What we Do