Help us review our fundraising materials and build a pitch package! Support drug harm reduction in NZ

Help us review our fundraising materials and build a pitch package! Support drug harm reduction in NZ

Help us review our fundraising materials and build a pitch package! Support drug harm reduction in NZ

Estimated Time: 6 - 10 Hours Over

KnowYourStuffNZ was Aotearoa's first drug-checking organisation, providing vital harm reduction services to people who use drugs across the country. We find ourselves needing to do a significant fundraising effort this winter. We have a history of several successful funding requests, mostly through foundations and private philanthropists, and have begun the process of building a pitch package for grant applications. It would be very helpful to have a fundraising expert help us review our various materials and help craft some key messages. This is a difficult sector in the fact that we can't take any identifying information from people and due to the illicit nature of drugs people are hesitant to participate in surveys, so we need to quantify our impact in other ways. A fun challenge if you're an impact nerd!

Working location

We have offices in Hamilton, Whanganui, and Wellington. Virtual by default but could meet in person in either of these locations if preferred. Very flexible hours as we have contractors that work non-standard hours.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Review relevant materials we provide - 2 hours

Brainstorming meeting - 2 hours

Drafting application template - we can do in-house

Review and make suggestions for application template - 2 hours

What We Have In Place

We have one person (General Manager) responsible for drafting grant applications (has a history in communication and great writing skills) and another (Deputy Manager) who works managing a fund in his other job.

We have a number of data streams to show our impact and several client surveys to show qualitative impacts.

KnowYourStuffNZ’s goal is to reduce and prevent the harms caused by drugs in New Zealand by providing information and advice, including carrying out drug testing and advocating for an evidence-based harm reduction approach to drug policy
What we Do
We provide free, confidential, and legal drug checking services at city clinics and events across the country. We also do significant amounts outreach and education relating to drug harm reduction and advocate for improved, compassionate and health-based drug policy.