Marketing Strategist needed - State Care Wananga

Marketing Strategist needed - State Care Wananga

Marketing Strategist needed - State Care Wananga
New Zealand Collective of Abused in State Care Charitable Trust

Estimated Time: Over

We require someone to help with marketing; we have a strategy, but we need someone to write us a marketing and communications strategy to take us into the next phase. We are a charity that helps victims abused in state care move forward by being a survivors for survivor group.

Working location

Anywhere - There are two people in Wellington, one in Christchurch

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Write a communications plan
2. Write a marketing strategy
3. Help with some steps for these

What We Have In Place

Strategy and policies and evaluations for effective wananga

New Zealand Collective of Abused in State Care Charitable Trust
What we Do