My Kids Village: help make our website more parent friendly!

My Kids Village: help make our website more parent friendly!

My Kids Village: help make our website more parent friendly!
My Kids Village

Estimated Time: 8 - 16 Hours Over 3 - 4 Weeks

Now our website has almost 100 providers profiling with us I want parents to be able to 'like' the providers they use and trust. The number of 'likes' a provider has will determine where in the search they appear. If you're able to help build this functionality into our website I'd love to work with you to make this an even better tool for parents to use.

Working location

Virtually - From your home or office. My Kids Village is something I do in my spare time so we would have more time to work on it outside work hours or at weekends.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Discuss and agree the brief - 2 hours
Find plug-in that will do what we're looking for - 2 hours
Develop and test - 6 hours
Move into production and make live - 2 hours

What We Have In Place

The website has been up and running successfully for over a year. Now we have about 100 providers listed, I want parents to be able to differentiate between them based on other parents sharing which providers they like and trust.

I don't want comments on the site as I haven't got capacity to monitor and moderate that functionality. So it's only the ability to 'like' that I'm interested in offering to parents who are signed up and registered with us.

My Kids Village
Parental Support
Making parents' lives easier
What we Do
Provide a free online platform for parents to find childcare providers in their neighbourhood. It's free for everyone to make sure nothing gets in the way of good information.
My Kids Village