Short research project to help jobseekers from refugee backgrounds

Short research project to help jobseekers from refugee backgrounds

Short research project to help jobseekers from refugee backgrounds
Techfugees NZ

Estimated Time: 15 - 20 Hours Over 1 - 3 Weeks

A researcher is required for a short research project to assist with adapting Australian guidelines for employers to a NZ context. ​A new guide is being developed to help New Zealand employers recruit jobseekers from refugee backgrounds and we need a volunteer researcher to help with this project. You help will be invaluable! The project is a collaboration between not-for-profit HOST International NZ and the Centre for Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training and Education (CREATE) at Australia’s Deakin University, and partners at Monash University and Australian National University. HOST International NZ and CREATE have recently formed a partnership with the aim to help people with refugee backgrounds settle more effectively into their lives.

Working location

Can be located in our Wellington office (with your own device) or work from home anywhere

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Brief and workplan (1 hour)
Tasks will include
-Scope NZ visa categories from a government website
-Conduct short interviews and write up two brief case studies (200-300 words each)
-Update 'eligibility to work' section from a government website
-If necessary, checking content with relevant government agencies.
Total 15-20 hours)

What We Have In Place

Current Australian guidelines
On-hand expertise to ask for clarification and provide content review

Techfugees NZ
Good Cause
Techfugees is a non-profit coordinating the international tech community’s response to the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people. It exists to empower displaced people and former refugees with technology.
What we Do
Techfugees NZ organises workshops, hackathons and meetups in an effort to generate tech solutions for and with former refugees, refugees and displaced people. It also curates and promotes the best projects it finds for partnerships & implementation in the field.