Research into Product Safety Standards for Upcycled Products

Research into Product Safety Standards for Upcycled Products

Research into Product Safety Standards for Upcycled Products
The Re-Creators

Estimated Time: 8 - 12 Hours Over 1 - 3 Weeks

We need a volunteer to research toy product standards and how they could apply to upcycled/ repurposed materials. We have a number of questions that we need answering. For example, would we be able to test them given the materials would be different?. We have some codes to start with and would like someone to investigate whether they are needed and/ or desired in NZ. No need for any specific knowledge around the subject but would like a volunteer who is a keen researcher of information and can present clearly any findings.

Working location

Waitakere Township, Auckland but can work virtually

Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. Virtual call outlines products that have been developed including instructions for maker and assembly
2. Outline products standards that we know of and questions we would like answers to
3. Research national and international standards for retailers. may involve some phone calls as well as internet searches
4. Outline final recommendations based off research

What We Have In Place

1. Standards that we know of
2. Contacts to discuss these with
3. Our product design and materials included

The Re-Creators
Economic Development
Financial Support
The ReCreators is a Social Enterprise based in Auckland, New Zealand, which promotes Upcycling either through purchasing products pre-made, custom-made or by learning to do it yourself (DIY) through workshops.
What we Do
We are a diverse and talented group of upcycling artisans promoting creativity, mindful making and sustainability. We offer various upcycling workshops for children, adults and corporates, as well as an online store.