Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Estimated Time: 20 - 30 Hours Over 12 - 24 Months

We would love a volunteer who has an understanding of social media, and a passion to be kept updated as technology changes. Skills in Adobe Creative Cloud range of software are also preferred. We already have a high profile on Facebook but our Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter profiles are languishing.

Working location

While we are primarily based in Auckland, working remotely is possible. We are a national organisation with many volunteers working from remote locations around the country.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Step 1: Review relevant materials
Review relevant information about our organisation including our website and previous posts in social media (2-3 hours reading)
Step 2: Brainstorming session
Along with our team, brainstorm key messages and information required to create a useful social media strategy (1-2 hours)
Step 3: Writing
Prepare posts and post once approved by team. (3-4 hours)
Step 4: Feedback
Incorporate feedback and responses and build on the framework (1-2 hours). Return to Step 3 and modify.
After the initial evaluation the time requirement is estimated to be 3-4 hours per week, but variable depending on your enthusiasm and available time.

What We Have In Place

Our organisation was founded in 2005 and is underpinned by its members and volunteers. Over this time we have grown a strong support base and formed strong and valued relationships with key organisations and corporates.
Vision: Our vision is to ensure that New Zealand's ecosystems support thriving moth and
butterfly populations.
Mission: To engage with New Zealanders to ensure our biodiversity promotes a thriving moth and butterfly population.
We want to inspire more people to have a deeper understanding of our NZ butterflies and moths by reaching them via social media. YOU can make this happen!
If you have an interest in gardening and wildlife, and a love of NZ Nature, combined with good organisational skills... you sound like you'd be a good fit for us!
We are governed by a Board of Trustees who meet monthly and make decisions for the governance of our charity. But the day-to-day running of the MBNZT is left to a small group of volunteers. We enjoy the work that we do, and it is always a pleasure serving our members and our beautiful butterflies.
Our websites and social media: and
Facebook: mbnzt
Instagram: MothsandbutterfliesNZtrust
Twitter: MBNZTorg
Pinterest: MBNZT

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust
New Zealand wide
Our mission is to increase biodiversity within New Zealand so that our butterflies and moths, and their habitat, are enhanced and protected where possible to benefit present and future New Zealanders.
What we Do
New Zealand has a unique Lepidoptera fauna comprising over 2,000 species of moth and butterflies, some of which are found nowhere else in the world. However, many are endangered, threatened or in severe decline. Butterflies and moths are valuable ambassadors for nature and a key indicator of environmental change. Largely through education, we carry out programmes and projects in schools and the wider community to raise awareness of NZ’s unique Lepidoptera whiling encouraging and promoting conservation of NZ’s unique biodiversity.
Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust