We need help with our on-line training capabilities - beyond Zoom

We need help with our on-line training capabilities - beyond Zoom

We need help with our on-line training capabilities - beyond Zoom
Bellyful New Zealand

Estimated Time: 1 - 2 Hours Over 1 - 2 Hours

There are two stages to this project. The first is to help us convert our health and safety training from face to face training (recently via Zoom) generally run by our volunteer Branch Coordinators, to an on-line training module which our volunteers can complete in their own time which includes a quiz for example and the ability to tell Bellyful NZ when someone has successfully completed the training. This will improve consistency of training across the organisation and reduce the work load on our volunteer leaders. The second part of the project is to then covert our Volunteer Manuals to an on-line version with a similar training module attached.

Working location

All Bellyful staff (4 part-time - 2FTE) work from home in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. It would help if the volunteer could work some time during the work day, but this is not essential.

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Steps for this project are outlined in the description. I haven't included any estimated time because I have no idea sorry how long this sort of thing takes.

What We Have In Place

We have a health and safety manual and a comprehensive guide for our volunteer leaders to run the training in their branches, including scenarios to discuss and a short summary video to watch.

www.bellyful.org.nz Facebook.com/BellyfulNZ

Bellyful New Zealand
Bellyful was ‘born’ out of the desire to see families supported by their fellow community members. Bellyful nourishes and connects communities by cooking and delivering free meals to whānau with babies or young children, who need support.
What we Do
Bellyful supports unique community relationships where we connect recipient whānau, volunteers, referrers, local businesses, funders, and supporters. We work together to grow a sense of community. We are a truly community-based charity.