We need help understanding how to use Zoho!

We need help understanding how to use Zoho!

We need help understanding how to use Zoho!

Estimated Time: 8 - 10 Hours Over 1 - 2 Weeks

We have put Zoho in place in our non profit but we are really struggling to set it up for our needs, we desperately need help to configure Zoho and do some basic training of staff this could be done remotely. We are paying for a product which would make our staffs lives and jobs much easier.

Working location

Kaitaia or could be remotely set up could be set up outside of work hours and training done in work hours this could be configured and trained remotely

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Find out company needs - 2 hours
Help us configure Zoho CRM
Training online - 5 hours

What We Have In Place

Zoho CRM
Zoho people
Capability to connect via media and train via media

EcoSolutions is one of CBEC's enterprises which provides waste minimisation education throughout Northland.
What we Do
EcoSolutions was formed over 17 years ago as a community environmental hub that provided advice on minimising waste and protecting the local environment from activities that cause pollution and degradation. EcoSolutions focus is waste minimisation education and implementing behaviour change towards how we perceive and deal with waste in our homes, our businesses and the local community. Waste minimisation programmes are delivered to schools, businesses and community groups in an effort to divert waste from going to landfill. We educate business and the community on how much of what is going to landfills is a potential resource that could otherwise be re used, recycled or repurposed.