Website Build Project Manager Needed!

Website Build Project Manager Needed!

Website Build Project Manager Needed!
Applause Charitable Trust

Estimated Time: 15 - 25 Hours Over 2 - 4 Months

We need your expertise with website builds to take our Pilot site to the next level - a national rollout! Applause - small kindnesses for big hearts!! We've launched a pilot in Wellington to thank and support community workers by connecting them with free or discounted products and services. Your expertise will enable us to reach our ultimate goal - for Applause to be available nationally so that more community workers can be supported. We'd love to hear from you!

Proposed project steps with time estimates

We see this role requiring:
- Knowledge of identifying and selecting a technical partner. Applause will need a website developer that understands redemption, inventory, and delivery processes.
- Ability to write a Project Scope as a key procurement document.
- Strong time management skills to ensure we deliver on time and on budget without compromising quality and our service to community workers.
You'll be working with Jen, the Founder of Applause.
The first week or two will require 10 hours overall while we scope the project. After that, we think it will be 2 hours per week.
Being a part of the Applause team means you will be supporting community workers to continue their good work - helping vulnerable whānau to to navigate the impact of COVID-19 and the economic downturn.
Please email us at to discuss how you can be part of our journey.

What We Have In Place

Pilot site Logo and Branding
Comms strategy and tactical plan
Message House
Clear direction

Applause Charitable Trust
Applause is a new charity to thank and support community workers, those people that make sure vulnerable New Zealanders are housed, clothed, and fed.
What we Do
You can read about us at
Applause Charitable Trust