Social media sensation

Social media sensation

Social media sensation
MS West Coast

Estimated Time: 8 - 10 Hours Over 1 - 4 Weeks

I manage the day to day operating of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's West Coast, we cover the entire West Coast region which is a huge area. We have a nurse who offers support to clients while I manage the office. I am asking for help specifically with social media presence and developing a network and also getting the interest and new volunteers (preferably younger volunteers). I am not a social media person, I have the Facebook and that is it but I am very private and don't post anything but now I am in charge of the organisations FB page and I forget to post things all the time. I believe some help with social media would help MS have that online presence that we clearly don't have, it would give us more advertising, more eyes and hopefully bring in more people. With a younger group of volunteers we could explore different fundraising opportunities, outing days, and get fresh younger ideas. Thank you

Working location

26 MacKay Street. Greymouth 7805

Proposed project steps with time estimates

I don't really have any idea how long this would take or how many days etc but I am computer savvy (just private) and believe a few hours (a days work) would be enough.

What We Have In Place

I have a Facebook profile linked to my cell phone.
That's about all we need :) oh and a camera (also my phone camera)

MS West Coast
To work to meet the needs of people with Multiple Sclerosis, their families and carers
What we Do
Here at MS West Coast we aim to improve the quality of life of people with Multiple Sclerosis and allied neurological conditions, including Parkinsons, Huntingtons and Motor Neurone Diseases, in the West Coast area by providing them with support and information.