Trustee's Wanted - Environment Centre Hawke’s Bay

 Trustee's Wanted - Environment Centre Hawke’s Bay

Trustee's Wanted - Environment Centre Hawke’s Bay
Environment Centre Hawkes Bay

Estimated Time: 20 - 156 Hours Over 3 - 5 Years

We are changing the terms in our trust deed, to run for 3 years with up to 8 trustees. A number of our trustees are standing for reelection, but we also need new trustees. We would like to increase the diversity of our board and exceed our Te Tiriti obligations, being a good partner to Mana Whenua. We need individuals passionate about climate action and environmental restoration with diverse skill sets to help us steward the organisation in this challenging yet opportunity packed time. ​Ko te uaratanga – our mission: To inspire and empower people, businesses, and community to create a resilient and regenerative Hawke’s Bay within social and ecological planetary boundaries. Ko te whakakitenga – our vision: A resilient connected community with strong localised regenerative food systems, restored biodiversity, and a circular economy within Hawke’s Bay social and ecological boundaries. Please follow the link below for more detail's;

Working location


What We Have In Place

Environment Centre Hawke’s Bay (ECHB) is an Environment focused climate action organisation based in Aotearoa/New Zealand. With operations across the Hawke’s Bay region, ECHB currently operates a Centre in Hastings and looking to have a physical presence in Napier, Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay. The trust is in a growth phase and is extending its operations across six strategic pou i.e; Food resilience, Biodiversity, water health and abundance, safe and circular economy, energy and transport, Transition town and eco district.

Environment Centre Hawkes Bay
What we Do