Policy Review Superstar

Policy Review Superstar

Policy Review Superstar
Good Bitches Trust

Estimated Time: 10 - 15 Hours Over 1 - 4 Weeks

Who are we? Good Bitches Baking (GBB) is a charitable trust that plans to make Aotearoa the kindest place on earth by giving a moment of respite and kindness to people experiencing some sort of crisis, with no judgement, only kindness. We do this through the mechanism of home baked treats donated to organisations that support people having a tough time. As of May 2023, we have 29 chapters, 2,869 volunteers around NZ and 336 recipient organisations. What's the gig? We're on the hunt for a Policy Review Superstar. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to dive into the world of our operational policies, dust off those metaphorical cobwebs, and make them shine like the top of a perfectly frosted cupcake. You'll review our policies with a fresh pair of eyes and provide your brilliant recommendations for improvement.

Proposed project steps with time estimates


- Policy Powerhouse: Take a deep dive into our existing operational policies and procedures. Read them, understand them, and channel your inner policy guru to assess their effectiveness, clarity, and overall awesomeness.

- Brilliant Recommendations: Put on your thinking cap and provide us with your genius recommendations for enhancing our policies. We want to level up and ensure our policies align with our mission and values, while also being user-friendly and easy to follow.

- Creativity Unleashed: Bring your creative flair to the table. We want you to think outside the baking box and find innovative ways to improve our policies. Let your imagination run wild and sprinkle a little magic into the process.

- Smiles and Laughter: We're all about spreading sweetness, and that includes having fun along the way. We encourage laughter, banter, and a positive atmosphere as we embark on this policy review adventure together.


- Passionate Policy Pal: You have a keen interest and experience in creating and reviewing policies and procedures. You understand their importance in keeping our operations running smoothly and ensuring we're doing good in the most effective way.

- Detail-Oriented Dynamo: You're the type of person who spots a typo from a mile away and cringes at inconsistent formatting. Your attention to detail is impeccable, and you're committed to making things polished and professional.

-Communication Champ: You're an excellent communicator, both written and verbal. You can articulate your ideas and recommendations clearly, and you're not afraid to share your thoughts with the team.

What We Have In Place

You'll be working closely with our Operations Manager and have full access to G drive to access all necessary docs etc.

If you're ready to dive into the world of policies with a sprinkle of fun, we want to hear from you! Let's bake some policy goodness together!

Note: This is a volunteer position, and the only payment you'll receive is an endless supply of gratitude, virtual high-fives, and the satisfaction of making a meaningful contribution to our kaupapa.

Good Bitches Trust
Community Group
Family Support
Good Cause
Health - Children
Health - Elders
Health - Family
Maternal Health
Mental Health
Parental Support
Social Services
Violence Support
Wellbeing - Children
Wellbeing - Older People
New Zealand wide
Our dream is that all people in Aotearoa New Zealand who are having a tough time feel supported and valued, whatever their circumstances.
What we Do
Good Bitches Baking is a nationwide for-purpose organisation  - we’re all about spreading kindness one treat at a time… We have 30 chapters from Whangārei to Invercargill, with 3,100+ volunteers baking delicious treats to deliver to 400+ organisations that support people having a tough time. Alongside our Baking it Better programme, we have  Prison Bake, Business Bitching and Collaborative Bitching and we commissioned a fantastic research report into whether and how community sector organisations use ‘kindness’ as an active intervention in different contexts.  There’s lots of info about what we do and what we care about on our website - www.gbb.org.nz.